Environment and Sustainability Policy.

E3 Events are determined to lead the way in conducting our festivals to reflect the best sustainability and environmental practices beyond legal and regulatory requirements.

As a company we are committed to minimising the negative environmental impact that events can cause. Poor practices are contributing to the degradation of our environment, causing dangerous and irreversible changes to our planet’s climate, biodiversity and ecosystem as we know it. This is an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

We aim to achieve the following objectives to meet and exceed all relevant UK, European and international legislative and regulatory requirements and agreements. All employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure the aims and objectives of this policy are met.

Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.

Continually improve and monitor environmental performance, to prevent pollution and avoid the use of toxic materials wherever possible.

Take active steps to reduce environmental impacts at every step in the event lifecycle.

Avoid as much as possible causing damage to each site and its natural habitat.

Continually raise employee, trader and public awareness of damaging practices and champion sustainable and ethical processes.

Influence our suppliers to support sustainable practices. 

We have introduced new sustainable practices, including:

  • End the need for single-use plastics and polystyrene. We place responsibility on our traders and suppliers to use sustainable and biodegradable products and packaging wherever possible, such as compostable food containers, paper straws and wooden cutlery. Free drinking water is provided on-site and we encourage guests coming to the events to bring a reusable water bottle.

  • Promote a clean and tidy festival.

  • Encourage the use of reusable materials and equipment.

  • Limit the festival’s carbon footprint.

  • Minimise the festival’s impact on the local ecosystem.

  • Reduce water and energy use.

We will always look into the sustainability of our supply chain and ask questions of our suppliers about the ethical / sustainable credentials of their products and services. Preference will always be given to traders who use Fairtrade, organic, seasonal and locally-sourced ingredients, we will favour traders who are committed to sustainable practices.


We aim to extend the life of materials and products we use as much as possible. We store and re use items across multiple events. We provide suitable waste collection so that all end-of-life materials and construction waste is recycled or disposed of correctly, therefore not contaminating the local environment.

Energy Consumption

We will reduce energy consumption by reducing generator run times and more accurately matching demand and supply, such as using LED lighting and the use of renewable technologies such as solar and battery power.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Where we can, we choose festival sites that are easily accessible by public transport, and heavily promote that everyone coming to the festival only brings vehicles that are absolutely essential.

Noise Pollution

We follow National Guidelines, the code of practice on environmental noise control at Concerts by The Noise Council and a wealth of experience, to ensure that Noise level is carefully and continuously monitored and therefore does not exceed agreed limits.